International Request for InformationThank you for your interest in studying at ACPHS, located in Albany, New York. The following form will allow our admissions team to provide you with the most relevant information. For comprehensive resources on studying in the United States as an international student, please review the US Department of Homeland Security’s Study in the States website: INFORMATIONWhat best describes your current educational situation?What best describes your current educational situation?I have completed or am currently completing my high school/secondary school degreeI have completed my high school/secondary degree AND have completed university creditsI have completed or am currently completing my bachelors degree from another universityINTENDED START DATEFall 2024Spring 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Fall 2026Please select the bachelors program(s) you are interested in.Please select the bachelors program(s) you are interested in.Doctor of PharmacyB.S. BiologyB.S. Biomedical TechnologyB.S. Clinical Laboratory SciencesB.S. Forensic PsychologyB.S. Forensic ScienceB.S. Health SciencesB.S. MicrobiologyB.S. Pharmaceutical SciencesB.S. PsychologyB.S. Public HealthUndecidedPlease select the graduate program(s) you are interested in.Please select the graduate program(s) you are interested in.Doctor of PharmacyM.S. BiotechnologyM.S. Biomedical SciencesM.S. Clinical Laboratory SciencesMaster's in Cytotechnology & Molecular Cytology (In-Person Track)Master's in Cytotechnology & Molecular Cytology (Hybrid Track)M.S. Molecular BiosciencesM.S. Pharmaceutical SciencesCITIZENSHIP AND RESIDENCYPlease confirm your Citizenship and ResidencePlease confirm your Citizenship and ResidenceI am currently a citizen or resident of the United States, and do not anticipate needing a visaI am not a US Citizen or US residentAFFORDING AN ACPHS EDUCATIONACPHS offers partial, merit-based scholarships, but students will still need to have access to 40,000-55,000 USD in liquid assets to secure their visa and attend ACPHS.Unfortunately, we are unable to offer full scholarships or substantial need-based financial aid to international students at this time. I understand the financial commitment of studying at ACPHS. I have a budget of at least 40,000 USD per year OR I have a sponsor who is covering my academic and living expenses.I do not have the financial resources listed above to study at ACPHS.APPLICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTSApplication requirements vary by program and degree. For more information, follow this link: Applying to ACPHSInternational students who have not studied in a school where English is the primary language of instruction must submit proof of English proficiency.International students who have not studied in a school where English is the primary language of instruction must submit proof of English proficiency.English has been my primary language of instruction for at least four yearsI have taken or plan to take an English proficiency exam (such as the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo exam)International students who have studied at a post-secondary college or university outside of the United States or Canada are required to submit a course-by-course evaluation of their post-secondary transcripts through World Education Services (WES) or equivalent service. We are unable to evaluate or use original transcripts from non-US or Canadian institutions when reviewing your application. The WES course evaluation ensures that we understand the impact of your coursework and existing educational experience on your ACPHS degree.International students who have studied at a post-secondary college or university outside of the United States or Canada are required to submit a course-by-course evaluation of their post-secondary transcripts through World Education Services (WES) or equivalent service. We are unable to evaluate or use original transcripts from non-US or Canadian institutions when reviewing your application. The WES course evaluation ensures that we understand the impact of your coursework and existing educational experience on your ACPHS degree.I will order and send the appropriate foreign credential evaluation to ACPHS if appropriate.LOCATION AND COMMUNICATIONSACPHS is located in Albany, New York, in the Eastern Time Zone (EST) and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is four or five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Note that all ACPHS events and communications will be scheduled within the Eastern time zone. Students who repeatedly miss appointments without advanced notice or are unreachable via email may be unsubscribed from communications from ACPHS.ACPHS is located in Albany, New York, in the Eastern Time Zone (EST) and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is four or five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Note that all ACPHS events and communications will be scheduled within the Eastern time zone. Students who repeatedly miss appointments without advanced notice or are unreachable via email may be unsubscribed from communications from ACPHS.I understand the communication and time zone expectations of being an ACPHS applicant.All in-person events, such as campus tours and open houses, are located at our Albany, NY campus unless they specifically say otherwise. We are happy to host international students at any of our on-campus events, but are unable to provide logistical or financial support to assist with student's visits.All in-person events, such as campus tours and open houses, are located at our Albany, NY campus unless they specifically say otherwise. We are happy to host international students at any of our on-campus events, but are unable to provide logistical or financial support to assist with student's visits.I understand that I will be expected to arrange my own travel and handle my own expenses if I wish to visit campus.HOW CAN WE ASSIST YOU?Please let us know if you have any specific questions about the school, our programs, or the college application process.PERSONAL INFORMATIONPlease confirm your name, email, birthdate, and address for submission.Last NameFirst NameEmail AddressMailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Submit